Albert Minville, in charge of the land part in the territorial environmental brigade, and Michel Hamlet, in charge of the beaches, are now also littoral rangers as well, are now also littoral rangers as well.
At the suggestion of the Conservatoire du Littoral, these rangers completed commissioning training financed by the Temeum program.
They increased their judicial knowledge in terms of infractions to the environmental code, and have been invested with the same powers as the police.
They were presented with their commissions and their badges by Marc Duncombe, who congratulated them for their success, and their commitment to the protection of the littoral. A cocktail toast for the staff from the territorial direction for the environment; Romain Perreau, head of the sustainable development service at the prefecture; Jean-David Richardson, territorial counselor; and the staff of the Réserve Naturelle and its president followed the informal ceremony.
Two new territorial rangers for the littoral
Albert Minville and Michel Hamlet