Where did the birds go? The Réserve Naturelle asked itself this question the very day after Irma hit, and there really isn’t an answer. The scientific study led by Caroline Fleury and Ashley Daniel in November and December proved that there are approximately one third as many birds present as there have been at this time in previous years. Example: between 164 and 372 black-neck stilts were counted every month in 2016, and only 65 of these birds were seen in November 2017 and only nine in December. As for Anatidae, or waterfowl including the Bahama pintail duck, 102 individuals of this species were noted in December 2016 and only 43 at the same time last year. The extremely high water level, especially in the Guichard pond, explains the scarcity of small wading birds, such as sandpipers and plovers. The Guichard pond did however provide a moment of consolation to the staff of the Réserve, thanks to the presence on the same day in December of three rather rare species: a shoveler duck, a pair of northern pintail ducks, and three black-headed diving ducks.
Where Did The Birds Go?
Échasse d’Amérique - The black-neck stilt